what is the copyright claims board?
The Copyright Claims Board (CCB) is a three-member tribunal to provide a streamlined alternative to federal court for resolving copyright disputes involving claims up to $30,000.
The Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act of
2020 created the Copyright Claims Board (CCB), a three-member
tribunal located in the Copyright Office. This is available as
a voluntary alternative to federal court litigation.
The CCB claims to be an efficient and streamlined avenue to resolve
copyright disputes involving claims seeking damages up to
$30,000. It is apparently designed to be less expensive and
faster than bringing a federal case. The Copyright Office has
launched the “eCCB,” an electronic filing and case management system
for engaging in the procedures.
Certain types of claims can be brought before the CCB: (1) claims of infringement of a copyright; (2) claims seeking declarations that specific activities do not infringe copyright; and (3) claims of “misrepresentation” in notices sent under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Read more about filing claims here.